Abroad Interaction Program for University Students

 For University Students, vacation is the beginning of another time. You can work part-time, prepare for a certification exam, or take a break that you haven't been able to take in the meantime. However, participating in an Abroad Interaction Program would be a good experience. What kinds of Abroad Interaction Programs can University Students participate in?

 First, ▲The Korean Red Cross operates the ‘University Red Cross Abroad Volunteer Activities’. For University Students who are active as members of the University Red Cross, they visit several neighboring countries and conduct Programs such as Community Service Activities, Various Classes and Debates for about 8 days. If you are a University Student attending a domestic university, you can qualify for participation through a recruitment process such as document screening and interviews. Volunteers are dispatched two times during the vacation period, July-August and January-February. For more information, visit the Korean Red Cross website.

 ▲The National Institute for International Education runs the ‘Korea-American College Student Training (WEST)’ Program, which allows Language Studying and Abroad Internships to be held together. It is divided into △Short-term(6 months) △Mid-term(12 months) △Long-term(18 months) Programs. Airfare, Participation fees, and Living expenses are supported by all participants. Students who have completed at least 4 semesters of a 4-year University, are students on leave of absence, or must have graduated within 1 year, and TOEIC (or G-TELP) and OPic (or TOEIC Speaking) certificates with a certain score or higher are required. As for the application process, submit the documents to the World Job Plus website, apply to the affiliated University, and apply for income quintile confirmation on the Korea Student Aid Foundation website. Other information, including detailed requirements, can be found on the WorldJobPlus website.

 ▲The International Work Camp runs a Program in which young people from different cultures gather for one to three weeks to engage in Volunteer work and Cultural exchange. In addition to volunteering in a variety of fields, you can also interact with the community and have time to mingle with participants from all over the world. Each Work Camp Program consists of around 10 people, and operates in 87 countries throughout the year. Anyone over the age of 19 can apply to the International Work Camp website. After selecting 1~3 Work Camp, submit the Online Application Form and pay the Participation fee. More details can be found on the Work Camp website.

 We learned about various Abroad Interaction Programs. Staying in a foreign country, even for a short period of time, may be an unfamiliar and difficult time, but it can also be an opportunity to broaden your knowledge beyond that. If you are a student who has always dreamed of or is interested in traveling abroad, how about turning your eyes abroad and spending a more ‘Global’ Vacation?