Anxiety for Safety

Recently, we often experience disasters or accidents that can lead to a loss of lives or property. You know the Sewol ferry sinking, earthquakes in Gyeongju, a flood in North Korea  and so on. When a disaster occurred, most people didn‘t know how to handle or avoid crises. I am going to explain two crises, a disaster and an accident that have harmed people or their property. Let’s see what can be the best choice!


▶ Disaster


• Earthquake: Lately, we have experienced earthquakes in Gyeongju, but people didn’t know what to do. Many people misunderstand the earthquake  and think that they must quickly get out the building. This may worsen the situation. We need to learn safer ways of coping with it. If you are in a building, you should hide under a table. Get out the building quickly and go to a vacant place if you can’t feel the earthquake.


지진사진 출처: 국민안전처 ,


• Flood: We almost have enough knowledge to deal with it. If there is a flood, you must evade into a high building or get onto a roof. If you have enough time, you should perform the following measures to reduce possible damage to your property. You should turn off the circuit breaker and lock the gas valve. This measure can prevent you from wasting money on electric and gas bills. Since flood is very dirty,  you should avoid being exposed to water not to be infected. You should bring some food because you may be confined for a long time.



홍수사진1 출처 :


• Typhoon: Certainly you don‘t recognize difference between two words(Watch,Alarm). Watch is prediction to damage. So this level is relatively safer than Alarm because there may not give the damage. Alarm almost can damage your property or even life. Thus you have to prepare to repair a roof or attach newspaper on the window. As attaching newspaper, it prevent breaking down the window.




태풍사진 출처 :




• Fire: We easily encounter fire over the radio, television, text messages and so on. If you find a fire at home, you should quickly get out the house or extinguish a fire. Extinguishing a fire is the best, you need to prevent your mouth with a wet towel in case of a huge fire. This can help you stop inhaling smoke. You should wrap yourself in a blanket to avoid the burn. The most important thing is to prevent fire. You should take care of locking the gas valve and multiple-tap. It can prevent over 90% of household fires.


화재사진 출처:


• Ship sinking: Recently we experienced severe pains and grief. When you heard the tragic Sewol ferry sinking, you might have been embarrassed. Most students could not cope with sinking. Of course it is proved that the Sewol ferry captain was at fault. But if i were there, I would have also followed his direction. At the time of crisis, I wouldn't be able to handle the crisis. How do we cope with ship sinking? The best choice is to quickly go to the deck and get on a lifeboat. If a ship is sinking, the water is filled from the bottom and slowly the ship is leaning toward right angle. Then you can’t move to the dock. When the ship is entirely sinking, maybe you won’t have a chance to be rescued. So you need to wear a life vest as quickly as possible.


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