Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of automatic defibrillator

 Have you ever heard of 'Golden Time'? It's also called the Golden Hour, which means the minimum amount of time for post-accident treatment to take place, such as surgery, to take place, such as surgery, to determine a parient's life of death. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation can save lives when a sudden cardiac arrest occurs of breathing stops. It is also a good idea to know how to use the automatic defibrillators installed in our university. The occurs of breathing stops. It is also a good idea to know how to use the automatic defibrillators installed in our university. The occurrence of heart attack is difficult to predict, and after four to six minutes, blood supply to the brain is cut off, causing brain damage to rapidly develop. Between 60% and 80% of unexpected cardiac arrests occur outside ofa medical facility. The first time finder are mostly ordinary people, including family members, colleagues and passers-by. Therefore, ordinary people can live a safer life if they are familiar with cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automatic defibrillator use.

 First of all, if you find someone suffering cardiac arrest, you must report to the emergency medical system. After calling 119, the best first aid is CPR by the first time finder until the paramedics arrive. If cardiopulmonary resuscitation is performed, the survival rate will be two to three times higher than if CPR is not performed. The CPR method that is first implemented is chest compression. Put your hands in the middle of the chest and press them. You can do it 30 times. The next step is to maintain airway and then perform two artificial respirations. Once you have secured the airway, check swelling of the heart. Repeat this sequence until the paramedics arrive. CPR can be easily understood and implemented even if you are not a specialist and it can save a person's life.

 The following is about automatic external defibrillators (AED). Cardiac arrest will be divided into two main categories depending on whether electric shock is possible. To distinguish between these two, you need to analyze the heart rhythm. After an electrocadiagram test, defibrillation can be perfomed if necessary. Automatic defibrillators (AED) are the equipment that can produce electric shocks when necessary. The use is as follows. Two pads are securely attached to the patient's chest as drawn on the wrapper. The method of placing one pad of automatic defibrillator under the right clavicle (collar bone), and attaching the other pad under the left nipple is most commonly used. Since the position to which you attach is drawn on the pad, you can look at it and attach it in the same position.

 Such simple CPR and automatic defibrillators can save lives. Cardiac arrest can happen to me or anyone close to me at any time. It's good to prepare for that. Let's not forget to prepare for the loss of our most precious lives.