Celebration: Kiss Day



Do you know how people celebrate “Kiss Day” in each nation?
Of course, we have Kiss Day in Korea and I am going to introduce Kiss Day from different countries. 


July 6
British Kiss Day is a nationally observed date. 

One bride made Kiss Day to overcome the Black Death. This is a big event in the UK, which introduces kissing experience itself. 

June 14 

Origin of Kiss Day in Korea is unapparent, but this celebration for a couple falls on the fourteenth in all seasons in Korea. This is not a big event;however, regional groups celebrate the Kiss Day. 

Japan May23 

One director in Japan released his film in which one couple touched each other’s lips. This scene left the audience with an aftertaste, so Japanese made Kiss Day in remembrance of this scene. 

At a club people make a acrylic panel if they like someone. They can try to touch the other person’s lips between a panel, but permission from their partner is necessary. 

Kiss Day is for a couple, but often a teenager or a person in his or her twenties makes a video for someone special to show it to him or her among many people. Whoever makes the video tries to boast his or her appeal. This is unusual in the East. 

U.S.A. July 6
China has so many events. Among them, the 

most exciting event features competitions.
1. fighting over several rounds with a wide variety of positions in front of thousands of people; 

2. kissing longer than 57 seconds under water.