Department of Nursing and Nightingale

 Last 13th, the nightingale oath ceremony was held at the Hwangryong Cultural Center of our school. The nightingale oath ceremony is held in the 2nd or 3rd year before entering the nursing department practice. This is an opportunity for nursing students to acquire the identity of a nurse as a professional through an oath ceremony before completing basic nursing classes required as a nurse and before going on to clinical practice. Will have. The Department of Nursing is a department that provides full-time nursing for people not only with physical illness, but also with knowledge of life science and humanistic literacy about humans' physical, mental, and social stability in living in society. After graduating from the department of nursing, passing the national examination for nurses and obtaining a nurse license, you can advance into various fields according to your aptitude and future plans. This time, let's find out about nightingale and nightingale oath ceremony, the flower of the nursing department.

 The Nightingale Oath ceremony is a meaningful and traditional event that lights up a candle symbolizing the noble spirit of the nursing profession, engraves the meaning and value of nursing practice, and pledges to take responsibility for the health and well-being of mankind. The Nightingale Oath contains the ethics and nursing principles as a nurse, and the nursing students who pledge them are committed to fulfilling their responsibilities as nurses. The candle held in one hand symbolizes the spirit of service and sacrifice that illuminates the dark surroundings with the nightingale's nursing spirit, and the white gown symbolizes the spirit of nursing care for neighbors. The Nightingale Oath ceremony is an event that pledges to practice the love of life and the spirit of service. It is based on the nightingale's dedication to caring for the injured while relying on a single candle during the Crimean War.

 Florence Nightingale, the protagonist of the Nightingale Oath, is a 19th-century British nurse, writer, and statistician. Today, when speaking of a nightingale, the expression “white angel” comes to mind, but during the Crimean War, her nickname was “a woman with a lantern”. When news of the Crimean War broke out in 1853 and the wounded soldiers were dying on the battlefield, Nightingale was nicknamed by people who were impressed by the appearance of Nightingale, who took care of the patient and took over night care every night. As a result, the patient's mortality rate drops from 42 percent to 2 percent. After the Crimean War, she became the first woman to receive a medal from the British king as a result of her various activities, including establishing a nursing system and establishing a nursing school.

 The Nightingale Oath ceremony is an oath that pledges the contents of the ethics and principles of nursing as a nurse.As a nursing student in the modern era, it is a place to dedicate ourselves to the wellbeing of those who are nursing as a nurse of the future, and to think once more about the sense of mission and the spirit of sacrifice. Like a candle that brightens the world by burning oneself, I hope that it will be a place to learn the spirit of love, sacrifice, and service with a sense of responsibility, inheriting the spirit of the Nightingale, whose hope inspired courage to suffering patients