Foreign Language Ability Scholarship

The superior foreign language ability scholarship is an in-school scholarship given to students who pass certain standard scores in various foreign language proficiency tests. There is the Miles Scholarship at our university. According to the scores on foreign language proficiency tests, mileage can be built and scholarships can be obtained. If you pass a certain point, you can get a big scholarship at once, which is the superior foreign language ability scholarship. There are a total of four foreign language subjects: English, Japanese, Chinese, and German. There are several tests available for each foreign language. There are five English (TOWFL, TEPS, New TEPS, TOEIC speaking, OPIc), two Japanese (JPT, JLPT), one Chinese (New HSK), and two German (ZD, Stat Deutsch) tests.

The superior foreign language ability scholarship is available to all students after applying, provided they meet the qualifications. The foreign language ability scholarship available for each foreign language is the same, at 800,000 won each. The superior foreign language ability scholarship will be paid a month after application, when each semester begins(March and September).

The application for the scholarship should be submitted to the offices of each department, including a copy of the superior foreign language ability scholarship recommendation letter, a copy of the foreign language proficiency test, and a copy of the student's bankbook. Only the regular test is accepted and the original report card must be submitted.

There are several other things besides this. Scholarships can be dual-accepted (excluding mileage scholarships), meaning that someone can receive scholarships from multiple foreign language exams at the same time. However, the number of scholarships per person is limited to one time per foreign language area while attending school. Applications and payments for the superior foreign language ability scholarship are available in the semester after you receive the result. For example, the score obtained in the first semester is only accepted in the second semester, i.e. the next semester. There is also a difference in the scholarship criteria scores for students who major in the language compared with others. A major needs about 10 to 30 points higher than a non-major.

For all students and especially those at humanities colleges, foreign language proficiency tests will surely help them get a job. Therefore, it is not a waste to invest your time and effort, so we hope you will try take this opportunity for 800,000 won in scholarships. And while attending private educational institute(hagwons) is good, it is also recommended to study through in-school courses that suit you, because various free or low-priced language courses for students are in operation during the vacation or semester. If you need the exact range of scholarships and additional information, search the school website or contact each department's office.