Health Care Methods for Fall

The hot summer has passed and the cool autumn has arrived. While it is good to fully enjoy the deepening autumn mood, as fall deepens quickly, it is necessary to pay more attention to health care than other seasons because morning and night time become chilly during this change. During the change of seasons, dry air and the daily temperature of the day and night decrease, making it easy to catch respiratory diseases, allergy diseases, and circulatory problems. So, let's take time in the fall to learn how to prepare for major diseases by understanding them and practicing proper health care.

First is allergic rhinitis. It is a symptom of nasal mucosa overreacting to certain substances. It is a typical allergy disease caused by combining genetic and environmental factors with allergic asthma. allergic rhinitis is accompanied by sneezing, runny nose, and itching in the eyes and nose. It is recommended to keep the living environment clean and eliminate allergens as it can worsen into to serious diseases such as sinusitis or middle ear infections if left unattended. Also, avoid fine dust, temperature changes, smoke, and cosmetics, and wear a mask when going out during the season when there is a lot of fine dust or pollen. Patients with pets are advised not to keep pets.

The second is atopic dermatitis. In fall, dry weather also increases skin diseases. Atopic dermatitis, one of the skin diseases, often accompanies respiratory atopic diseases such as allergic rhinitis and asthma. It can grow into chronic inflammatory skin diseases, which are the main symptoms of itching and skin dryness. Symptoms include severe itching, dry skin, and eczema. Eczema then causes and worsens itching, and itches arise intermittently during the day, usually in the early evening and at midnight. Atopic dermatitis can cause any skin irritation to worsen. Therefore, moisturizing your skin is the most important thing in the dry fall season, and it is recommended to apply moisturizing agent in the morning and evening. Also, when bathing, remove enough soap and rinse well so that no detergent is left on the clothes after washing. If you overreact to house dust mites and animal hair, you should avoid pets and carpets.

The third is acute pyrogenic hemorrhage disease. In the fall season, care should also be taken for acute pyrogenic hemorrhagic diseases. In autumn season, pyrogenic disease refers mainly to Tsjigamushi , hemorrhagic fever of the syndrome climique and Leptospirosis, which occur from September to November. If you have a fever after outdoor activities, you should suspect this condition and not confuse it as a minor illness such as a simple cold. In addition, when visiting hospitals, it is important to make clear to the medical staff that you have been doing outdoor activities. Tsjigamushi is an acute pyrogenic disease caused by Tsjigamushi infection, mainly caused by contact with fur mite larvae during outdoor activities during the fall season. In South Korea, diseases occur during the September-November fall season, when people do outdoor activities and a lot of work in grass and fields. In order to prevent Tsjigamushi , care must be taken not to get bitten by ticks, and in outdoor activities such as mountain climbing, it is helpful to use a repellent to prevent the mites from approaching, and to wear long sleeves and long pants.

We learned about the diseases that occur in the fall season, which is a period of rapid decline in body immunity and resistance as the daily temperature grows and the atmosphere becomes dry. The lack of resistance also increases the risk of infection by various diseases. In this low-resistance season, people should take sufficient rest and eat vitamin-rich foods. Foods high in vitamin C help prevent respiratory diseases such as colds and flu. Since dry indoor air stimulates the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, maintaining proper humidity using indoor ventilation and humidifiers is essential. I hope that you will be careful and stay healthy through these fall diseases and preventive measures.