Help Others by Purchasing Good-Hearted Fashion Item

These days, there are many fashion items that can contribute money and help people in need. It appeared first a few years ago and it is popular to these day. Today we will let you know various kinds of good hearted items that make you stand out and at the same time do good deeds.

- Marymond

It is a brand that makes many kinds of items. The profits are used to help victims of military sexual slavery by Japan. The CEO of this company Hong Jo Yoon first found this company seeing the old women’s pressed flower work. It is a psychotherapy that remedies women who have serious emotional injuries by Japan. The old women’s work was beautiful as he thinks that it is an artist’s work. He thought these arts are too good to leave. So he made it into a pattern and used that in the phone case, notebook and tumbler. It suddenly became a hit after famous singer used that item. Now it is a big company and we can easily see Marymond items. Now they sell various items from fashion items to personal supplies. Through these items, they relight old women’s story. Consumer who are using this item in daily life, continue to remember their story and have respect to them. The company presents endowment to NGO that runs business to solve problems for old women. For more information of company and items visit their website.


It is a brand that visualizes various social issues through design. Its goal is to pervade in our daily life through practical and unique products. The word “NEW:KIT has a meaning, MAKE A NEW DESIGN KIT. It concentrates on global and social issues and develops it as a project. Their first project is RED LIST PROJECT. They let people know the seriousness of endangered animals in Artic & Antarctic. They inform the difficulties of endangered animals through witty items. It became known to people through SNS introducing NEW:KIT bracelet. Many celebrities wore this good hearted item too. In their website, you can buy fashion items including bracelet.

- Iwu

It calls itself as a kindest T-shirts company in the world. The meaning of company name ‘iwu’ is ‘I will be with you’. In 2009, a Muay Thai boxer was traveling Thailand country region. He found that a child’s shirt was dirty and torn so he gave her his new shirt. The child greatly pleased and he felt so too. He came to Korea and in 2010 made a T-shirt company. His business philosophy is ‘one for one’. When one T-shirt is sold, one is donated for the need. The company is doing so many good things not only global volunteering. They also deliver rice to senior citizens who live alone. They give a concert and use the profits for the senior citizen’s warm winter. Since this year they are promoting Jakarta project. They are striving to improve life environment, support education of Jakarta residents. As individual, you can participate in donation by purchasing their T-shirt and bracelet.


1:Facewatch contributes to charitable organization when you buy a watch. The watch has nine colors and each of the colors present different organization. For example, the red watch for AIDS patients, black one for cancer patients, and pink one for breast-cancer patients. The design of the watch is also fashionable and many celebrities put on these watches. Last year, they held a campaign that helps Nepal. To give hope and help to Nepalese, they went to the street and made a silicon band to inform people Nepal’s crisis. Through that project, they could deliver water and rice to Nepal. Buying a watch and we can do many good things in this way. Why don’t we be a good consumer by these items?