How to Get Involved

As adapting to a new situation is being necessary when it comes to entering a group or other new environments, especially for freshmen in universities, acknowledging both the importance and the way of “getting involved” has become one of the basic factors before you bump into unexpected problems from your surroundings. It is required to get involved in a particular group and get along with others for a satisfactory campus life, and there are some ways to lead you to our ultimate goal in this easy – “getting involved.” Two ideas are going to be suggested as a way of how to get involved for undergraduate students, in both when they are inside and outside of the campus. The first one would be joining a club or school activities. The other one will be about building a personnel relationship by participating in activities that can be done out of the campus.


There are a lot of opportunities for the university students to participate in groups. Joining a group study with people who can share study-related information and participating in club activities or school programs like language classes can be some of the best approaches to achieve much more productive campus lives. All these tries might give you not only the academic benefits but also more broad personnel relationships. For me, the writer, a lot of challenges and also failures happened during the process of “getting involved” in campus made me to be much more better enough to be able to deal with most of any unfamiliar situations. I am still sure that the time especially when I took a part as a member of a English newspaper club in university have worked as a turning point and brought a change on my personality in many positive ways. Not only enjoying the easy moments but also going through hard times would make him or her to be able to cope with diverse kinds of circumstances, including other upcoming difficulties.


Another idea is about participating in activities held outside of a campus such as a part-time job or volunteering which also can let you “get involved.” Just taking some time being out of the campus and facing with other sorts of unfamiliar situations also might give you feelings of experiencing that you have not felt before. For the writer for instance, there was a chance to study abroad after the third semester. One of the unforgettable memories I had in abroad is the time when I went a trip by myself alone and became a friend with several foreigners, even though all of us were totally a stranger to each other. Being away from my hometown and adapting to a new environment was tough at the first time but later I found that it was a really precious time for me that I could raise myself up with learning how to “get involved.”


Totally two ideas with the first idea about the importance of taking a part in campus activities, and attempting the external activities as a second idea have been suggested as a way of how to get involved during the university life. As whether an individual is getting involved successfully or not would mostly depend on his or her own efforts, the important thing might be the fact that he or she has to think positively and put the ideas above into action.