Is food poisoning safe in the spring?

Spring has come after the cold winter. The weather this spring is unusually cold at night and day. So while many people are doing outdoor activities during the day, the temperature difference makes them less aware of food and also exposes them to food storage temperatures and food poisoning for prolonged periods of time. Warm temperatures are more likely to cause food poisoning as they can aggravate food corruption and cause more frequent consumption of tainted foods. Food poisoning is thought to occur a lot in the summer, and it occurs a lot in the spring when the difference of temperature is extreme. In particular, you should be more cautious in May, the month when outdoor activities are most common in many households. 
 The most popular food poisoning in the spring is Clostridium perfringens Food Poisoning. Perfringens bacteria are commonly found around us, such as soil, sewage, water, and animal ministers. It grows well when pork, chicken, meat products, fried foods, cooked soup in large containers, and curry are kept at room temperature, but it is mainly produced when meat is cooked before being served. It is strong against the heat unlike most germs that are killed by heating, so it can not grow out at 100 ℃ for more than an hour. And it wakes up below 60 ℃ and produces toxins in the process of forming spores. When people eat it, they develop toxins in their intestines and are exposed to food poisoning. Care must be taken to prevent Clostridium perfringens food poisoning from doing begin to cook. It is advisable to avoid processed foods when choosing food. Fruit that is cut to make it easier to eat and pre-cleared vegetables are convenient to eat, but they are more likely to be contaminated as they more touch a lot with other people's hands during processing. When choosing foods and cooking, it is advisable to cook meat at 75℃ for at least one minute and to eat it within two hours. When storing cooked foods, keep the food under 5 ℃ after cooling the food to be heated and cold at 60 ℃. And do not store cooked food at room temperature for more than 2 hours. If food is stored inside the vehicle for a prolonged period of time, it must be thrown away. 
 Plus, there are three basic ways to prevent food poisoning.
 Wash your hands first. Washing your hands can prevent 70 % of food poisoning. It's the easiest part, but it's something we miss easily. You should always wash your hands before and after meals, and even before cooking. The second is cooking. Raw food contains many things that can cause germs and food poisoning, so it is best to eat it after being heated safely. If food is contaminated with food poisoning bacteria during the production or distribution process, it is difficult to completely remove it, so heat up the food you eat immediately. For your information, any produce you eat without heating cooking such as salads or cabbages should be soaked in vinegar for five minutes before being fully cleaned with tap water. Third is boiling. Water has a lot of invisible microscopic organisms that if you drink contaminated water, it can be a deadly poison to your body. At high temperatures, most germs die, so you can effectively prevent food poisoning by boiling water. 
 So, what can you do if you show symptoms of food poisoning? Symptoms of food poisoning include vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and others. Primary treatments, which supplement pain the loss of water in the body produced by vomiting, diarrhea and provide sap to correct the electrolyte imbalance. Since the water containing glucose and electrolyte absorbs quickly, it is helpful to drink it with sugar and salt in it or with ion drinks sold on the market. When vomiting and diarrhea decrease, you should eat foods that are not as oily or irritating as possible, and watch out for foods for about two weeks. Also, if you avoid cold foods and warm your stomach with warm food and hot packs, your metabolism will rise and ease symptoms. Sometimes, you may take a medicine to stop diarrhea, but taking it at random may delay the release of germs, so take it after consulting with your doctor. If you have a rash, wrap the ice in a towel to cool it. Also, if you vomit, since vomiting can block your airway during vomiting, lie on your side rather than lying upright.
 In spring, more attention is required to food poisoning as the temperature and storage of food that is moving for a prolonged period of time increases exponentially due to the a wide temperature range.
In the case of food poisoning bacteria that are in fashion in the spring, prevention is essential only to us as it is likely to produce toxins from cooked foods. Let's pay attention to our lives. because Small practices in life  makes us healthy spring.