Let’s find our University’s Changes

 Last November, our university has a lot of changes. Among them, we will look at the new changes in the Academy Hall convenience store, the opening of the Campus Creative Zone, the improvement of the surrounding area of the Great Stadium, and finally, the new changes in the restrooms of male and female students.

 First, the "CU Kunsan University Academy Hall" was newly opened on September 15 to improve students' welfare services and life at the Academy Hall. It is located next to Maritime University. With the opening of the convenience store, students who have been wasting their time due to a lack of places to stay during vacancy classes will be able to spend their free time there more efficiently, such as buying snacks or taking a rest. In addition, convenience store operation hours are from 09:00 to 18:00 (Monday to Friday), so please pay attention to this.

 The second facility we are looking for is the Campus Creative Zone. 'Campus Creative Zone' was created to enhance students' learning skills through reading and team activities in a comfortable environment. The 'Campus Creative Zone' was built last October on the first floor of the Marine Science College's second building and underground of the engineering school's third building. The establishment of such facilities will provide space for learning and relaxation, further enhancing students' convenience and learning capabilities.

 The third changed facility is the Great Stadium of our university. There were opinions that the existing Great Stadium was somewhat inconvenient for Kunsan citizens because it had an outer wall. In order to improve this, the government pushed for an "open campus" project in September to remove the outer wall stands and clean up the surrounding areas to help create a wider campus. The stadium was opened so that citizens could use it freely. The limited use of the department of physical education was also made available to all students of our university.

 Finally, the boys' lounge and girls' lounge were newly remodeled. Currently, boys' and girls' restrooms are only available during the exam period. The hours of use are 10:00 to 18:00 (Monday to Thursday) and 10:00 to 13:00 (Friday). In this way, we are making efforts for the convenience of students by providing a place for them who spend meaningless time between classes. Currently, it is not possible to use it without a mask due to COVID 19, so please use this with caution.

 In this way, our university is trying to improve convenience for thinking about students and people in Kunsan area. I hope you know how to use these facilities and their locations. Use them properly when you need them.