Let's find your suitable coffee shop

Many people on campus go to cafes for various reasons. For example, to talk with friends, to study hard or to enjoy cafe's mood. And some people go to coffee shop to drink delicious coffee. If you go to cafe to drink delicious coffee, you need information about coffee tastes of coffee shop near the campus. Therefore this page introduce their coffee style to help you find a suitable coffee.

▲ 이디야 매장 외부 사진/ 출처 : 구글 이미지


EDIYA uses coffee beans from Ethiopia, Colombia, Kenya and Guatemala. This cafe emphasize freshness as a principle of 'selling within 30 days after roasting'. EDIYA's coffee is balanced taste. Deep, sue, sour and sweet.

▲ 스타벅스 매장 외부 사진/ 촬영 : 이제희 기자


Starbucks uses High-grade arabica coffee beans. They have longer roasting times than other brands. It's called "dark roasting". The roasted beans in this way are inefficient because they are smaller than others. But there flavor are deeper than other coffee bean. Starbucks coffee has deep and bitter taste, so beverages with milk, syrup or whipped cream are popular.

▲ 탐앤탐스 매장 외부 사진/ 촬영 : 이제희 기자


This cafe recently changed their coffee beans into specialty blend beans. ‘Specialty' means coffee beans that have received at least 80 points in SCAA(Speciality Coffee Association of American). This bean is the top 7% in the world. TOM N TOMS roasts the beans with electric roasters developed by them. This roaster has delicate temperature control system, so can evenly roast inside and outside of the beans. Coffee made from these beans is not bitter. You can feel fresh sours and rich aroma through it.

▲ 엔젤리너스 매장 외부 사진/ 촬영 : 이제희 기자


Angel-in-us uses strictly selected coffee beans from many farms in Costa Rica and Brazil. They roasting those bean with 'pure roasting system'. This system roasts through hot air. Therefore it does not smell burnt flavor and you can drink soft, clean coffee.

Did you find the suitable coffee style for you? Weather is getting warmer now and it makes we sleepy. Therefore let's go coffee shop near the campus and get some coffee that suits your taste.