Marvel's 19th Film Avengers :Infinity War

▲ Infinity War / Source : google

Marvel, celebrating It’s 10th Anniversary, released the  Avengers: Infinity War directed by Anthony Russo, Joe Russo, on April 25, 2018. It was rated 9.12 and it also  passed 10 million moviegoers just in 22 days. This may be  it has a lot of fans because of the original. And this time  there was something that was possible because it was MCU. This film has  the match against Tanos was divided  into two parts rather than one. So the movie was able to  carry on the sequel without getting bored.
  Briefly speaking  about this film, The Avengers join forces  with the Gadians of Galaxy to prevent Tanos from  killing half the universe by bringing together all six Infinity Stones.
Next, let’s talk about the overall feeling of the movie through an interview. I asked my friend who watched the movie she said “Marvel does not disappoint. I want to pay again and come and see it again. Though the scale is big, it is fun to watch 2 hour long movie, so you can watch it without getting bored. Also you can watch this movie on faith because it is a comic book and story in advance. To add, I like the Hulk the most among the Avengers, but Thor was the best and it was fun to watch characters during the movie. I really recommend you watch this movie.”

Additionary, According to the public opinion “ As the background is extended to the universe, it feels like sf enemy is more common than previous film. during the whole movie, I watched the movie with a hard fight, and even the ending made me feel heavy. and I think the movie Infiniti is a Tanos movie I can’t forget his face.”

Throughout the movie, you can see a lot of things to see and meet with new Avengers members and see the combination Thor. And there are many points of interest. If you want to find out about Soulstone and find out about the enormous power of Tanos and its implications, you should go see it. But I can tell the difference between the end and the end, because there are many famous Avengers members who die, it ends with shock in the last scene. I think we should try watching the movie first.  And if you want to enjoy film’s scale I recommend you 3d theater because this movie was shot in IMAX camera. Lastly I hope you wait and watch the video of the cookie after 5 minutes. It is because the Avenger 3, which is not finished yet, is coming up with a new character.