Meeting of Prof. Jung

Congratulations to you on award recently. And please explain what was the awards?

It was the ‘Republic of Korea figures awards’ organized by the National Assembly. I won in the academic sector economics. I think the reason for the award-winning is business of vocation.
These days, youth unemployment is considered a social problem. In this situation, finding a dream of youth business is necessary. Also it is first patented in the education system in the Korea, so I won that awards.

I’ve heard that you have a blog. What inspired you to start a blog?

It began in 2008. In 2008, Cyworld mini homepage was the fashion between the students. This looks like a good chance. And interacting with students was like a shortcut. But mini homepage has a lack that limited to seriously communicate. So
, I started cyworld blog operation. I am selected power blog 2009 to 2012. However, cyworld lose it popularity. Hits are fallen with thousands of people in 12 milions and I dissatisfied to hits. So, I started Naver blog at 2014.
I management blog that named ‘Prof. Jung’s Thema Travel’. I am posting self-discovery, soft economic story, my daily routines, travel story, introduction of book, and vocations on blog.

I am heard that you writing many books. What’s the reason writing many books?

Most professor write their books as part of their major research. The same but I am plus there I want communication with public. I was writing about self-management, time-management, and dreams. Recently I have to focus on vocation. I am hosting finding
a hot job program named
‘finding vocation camp’ that
proceeds one night and two days.

How about your university life?

When I was university student, this situation was so different and special. Once, I was entered the college in 1979 that occurred ‘10.26 State’ which a former president Park Jung-hee was killed. The next year, 5.18 democracy movement occur. University town was a democratization movement wave. So most university virtually, closed at that time
because these situation, so naturally I focus on social networking with my friends hang out junior in university. I played incredibly. But I’m not regret these time because the time was helping when I awakened. But English study was very hard since first grade. When I was grade 1, I joined up English club and every morning and evening
had a classes. Grade 2, I was chairman of English club. In our English club, usually reading a English magazine and
news papers. Grade 3 to 4, I am a journalist for the English-language newspaper and became
an editor. A professor was concerned about that behavior, recommended to graduate school advancement. And I was in doctoral program so I became a professor.

When is the most difficult time in life? And what got a lesson through this time?

I started for Kunsan university new post, proceed to first time. First time I was pleased with having a lesson and teaching students. However, 5 years later, I was some skepticism it. About my students extravagate and don’t know their goals, dreams even who are them. So, I think really I was right. Only focusing on major study on they don’t know their self was not right in my thinking. Also I cast doubt on ‘I know me
well?’ At this time, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ written by Stephen Covey was a turning point. In 1997 summer vacation, I was reading this book, and got it on workshop that learned 7 habits. I get a lot of stimulation at the workshop. Since then, I getting it on that programs like a self-discovery and time-management use a vacation. It took a lot of money roughly 1000 won but I’m unrepenting. I want to give aid to students. And these programs make a sacrifice of
‘Finding Vocation Camp’ and ‘a University Life of Vision’ for.

Lastly, what wanted to tell for students?

Mostly, parents’ generation don’t want put their children generation through something therefore, young person seems to be impatient and was poor at resilient at-risk. Knowing yourself is very important. And a lot of experience is important in order to know myself. Only the challenge can learn about.
Just looking is not helpful. Don’t excuses and try it! You get what you experience. And lastly, play with yourself. That makes knowing yourself.