November, people devoted to Korea

▲those who cry for independence/ Source: NAVER

In Korea, there are two days in November that have certain similarities. They are the Student Independence Movement Day and the Day of the Patriotic Martyrs. Although these may be unfamiliar to us compared with other holidays, they are historic days, so let's find out about them and remember though this article.

First, 'Student Independence Movement Day' is designated as November 3rd. If you look at the meaning of 'Student Independence Movement Day,' you will inherit the spirit of the student independence movement and foster self-reliance and patriotism. Looking at the background of the day, Korea was then under Japanese colonial rule, and on October 30th, 1929, there was a clash between a Korean high school student and a Japanese middle school student. Fukuda Shujo, a Japanese student at Gwangju Middle School, made fun of pulling the Denggi-ribbon tails of Korean girls, including Park Ki-ok, who was attending the third grade of Gwangju Girls' High School. Park's cousin, Park Chun-jae, who was leaving the ticket office, had a fight with Fukuda Shujo. The fight escalated into a shuffle between Gwangju High School and Gwangju middle school students in Naju Station. The Japanese police officers who rushed to quell the situation only beat the Korean students in favor of the Japanese students. The next day, the Japanese newspaper "Gwangju Ilbo" reported the incident, unilaterally taking sides with the Japanese students and denounced the Korean students for assault. On November 3rd, Korean students in Gwangju shouted 'Down with Japanese Imperialism!' and 'Employee Education Abolition!' This day was one of the four biggest holidays in Japan, the birthday of Emperor Meiji. Remebering this incident enabled students to know the spirit of these students’ sacrifice for their country.

Next, the ‘Day of the Patriotic Martyrs’ is November 17th, where the spirit of independence of the Joseon Dynasty and dedication to the restoration of national power are remembered. The Day of the Patriotic Martyrs was designated as November 17 in 1939 at the 31st General Assembly of South Korea. November 17th in 1905 was when the ‘Japan-Korea Treaty of 1905’ was signed.

The event was held before National Liberation Day from 1946 to 1969, from 1962 to 1969, and again from 1970 to 1996, but it was led by a civic organization. However, according to the long-cherished desire of the families of independence fighters, it was created on May 9, 1997 as a government anniversary and has been held since November 17 of that year.

There were people who devoted their lives to their country, so we could be here. Let's know and remember the Student Independence Movement Day and the Day of the Patriotic Martyrs.