The Difference Between Hwangryong Library and Central Library

 Currently, our university manages library facilities to improve students' academic ability. Our school's library is largely divided into two libraries, Hwangryong Library and Central Library. However, not a few students confuse the Central Library with the Hwangryong Library. We will have to know the differences and use of them according to our situation.

 First, the Hwangryong Library, which consists of four stories above the ground and one basement floor. The construction had began in May 2018 and is fixed in more comfortable facilities after more than a year. The newly opened Hwangryong Library has facilities for students' convenience, including a 24-hour reading room on the first basement floor, a creative reading room on the 1.5th floor, a group study room on the second floor, and a presentation room. Kunsan National University app is needed to use the Hwangryong Library. Hwangryong Library is a reading-oriented library that creates a pleasant learning environment. It is conveniently used by many schoolmates. It is a place that is more accessible than the Central Library. The Hwangryong Library is usually open from 6:00AM to 24:00PM and is open 24 hours a day considering students who study late during the examination period. In addition, book loans are available on the 1.5th floor of the Hwangryong Library. In addition to office hours, loans can be made through library apps or automatic loan machines.

 The Central Library is quite far from the Hwangryong Library as it is located near the Natural Science University Hall No. 3 and No. 4.

 Our university's central library is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to aim for the best academic information service in response to the information age, and electronic libraries are also available by digitizing materials in schools. In addition to the books owned by the electronic library, electronic books, journals, domestic and foreign academic DB can be viewed, complementing the shortcomings of students' poor accessibility. Operating hours are available from 9:00AM to 20:00PM on weekdays and from 9:00AM to 13:00PM on Saturdays during the semester, except legal holidays or school anniversaries. They available from 9:00AM to 18:00PMon weekdays during vacation.

 Hwangryong Library is more frequently used by students. Thanks to its advantages of being more comfortable and accessible than the Central Library and its more diverse facilities. This may be because the Hwangryong Library mainly focuses on learning, and the Central Library mainly focuses on reading activities. Although there are differences between the two libraries, basic manners of students are needed, such as using them according to the purpose of the space and not causing damage to others by making noise. We hope students keep basic rules to make good use of the library.