The first start of the Korean holiday

 Lunar New Year's Day, refers to the first day of the first lunar month, the beginning of the year, and is a Korean holiday. Seol has many names, one of which consists of the Chinese characters Seolnal, Wonil, and Wondan.

 Lunar New Year's Day is the first holiday of the year. In addition, the Lunar New Year is the relative concept of the New Year's Day which falls on Jan. 1 in the Gregorian calendar. There is a date difference between the lunar calendar and the solar calendar. The lunar calendar defines a month as the time it takes the moon to go around the Earth. The solar calendar sets a year as the time it takes for the Earth to travel around the sun. So the solar and lunar calendar are different, and the Lunar New Year is calculated based on the lunar calendar.

 New Year's Day is one of South Korea's largest holidays and three days, including the previous day and the following day, are legal holidays.

 There are various customs on New Year's Day in Korea. These include charye, sebae, and tteokguk. Among these, the typical custom of Lunar New Year's Day is called "new year bowing / greeting." When the ritual is over, the first greeting of the new year is given by grandparents and parents. On the morning of New Year's Day, the ancestral rites were observed.

 Some Lunar New Year's games include kite flying, yut nori, and neolttwigi. Yut nori is the most common game of the new year, played by everyone at home and played by villagers outside. There are many ways of playing. People can also tell the fortune of the year through yut nori.

 The Lunar New Year is important in that it is the first day of the year. In the
past it had a religious meaning as a holy day.

 Today's Lunar New Year is a national holiday, but in traditional society, New Year's Day continued until the fifteenth of the first lunar month.

 Recently, many people travel at home or abroad during the Lunar New Year holidays, while some families visit places such as folk museums and folk villages to feel the atmosphere of New Year's Day.

 On New Year's Day, the whole family gathers to celebrate the New Year's Day, and the custom of the New Year's holiday continues to this day. However, various seasonal customs, including folk games, were discontinued or cut off.

 There are many people who visit their hometowns in the New Year. Recently, however, many people still visit their hometowns, although there is a growing trend of "adults" looking for their children.

 Today's New Year's Day is precious for preserving traditional culture and for meeting family.