The Republic of Korea in History

 △Jeju April 3 Incident △Establishment-ment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea △In the past, several historical events occurred in April in the Republic of Korea. Celebrating April, let's learn about the memorial day for the victims, the anniversary of the establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, the anniversary of the April 19 Revolution and events.

 F irst of all, △Jeju April 3 Memorial Day is the legal anniversary of the popular uprising on Jeju Island on April 3, 1948, triggered by the armed uprising of the Namro Party and the coercion of the U.S. military government against the establishment of a single government in South Korea. The Jeju April 3 Incident refers to the disturbance that occurred on April 3, 1948, started on March 1, 1947, and the incident in which residents were sacrificed during the armed conflict and suppression process on Jeju Island until September 21, 1954. The estimated number of deaths alone is 60,000 to 80,000, and it is a heartbreaking incident with more than 3,000 missing people.

 Next, the anniversary of the establishment of the △Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea is a legal anniversary established to commemorate the legitimacy and historical significance of the Provisional Government built shortly after the March 1st Movement. It refers to April 11, 1919, the day when the Provisional Government was established in Shanghai, China.

 Finally, the anniversary of the △4·19 Revolution is a legal anniversary on April 19, 1960, commemorating the anti-dictatorial democratic movement caused by students and citizens becoming central forces. The April 19 Revolution was an anti-dictatorial democratic movement led by students and citizens when the Rhee Syng-man administration committed fraudulent elections (March 15, 1960) in an election to elect the fourth president. It was a revolution in which Syngman Rhee resigned from his presidency after a stubborn struggle by a large crowd participating in the movement.

 So far, we have looked into historical events and anniversaries in Korea. Why don't you keep the lessons of historical events in your heart without forgetting them, like the dictionary meaning of commemorating? These heartbreaking things should never happen again.