Traditional foods for Chuseok

▲ Songpyeon / Source : NAVER

Chuseok is one of the most popular holidays in Korea, and it is on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. Chuseok means the moon in the middle of autumn and also means the day in the middle of August. Some of the most popular foods for Chuseok are songpyeon, taro soup, japchae, pears, and apples. Songpyeon involves mixing rice flour and making it into a dough. This is then made into a round ball filled with things such as beans, sesame, chestnuts, dates, and cinnamon. Songpyeon was so named because it is shaped and steamed with pine needles underneath. There is an old story that says, “when you make songpyeon, if you make a beautiful songpyeon, you give birth to a pretty child”.

▲Pears / Source : NAVER

Thus, on Chuseok, a traditional Korean holiday, families gather together to make
songpyeon and eat foods such as japchae and taro soup, meaning they appreciate being able to farm safely for that year and celebrate the end of the farming season. I recommend you eat Korean traditional foods such as songpyeon and japchae and celebrate Korean holidays.