Why don’t you check the international exchange institute?

Why don’t you check the international exchange institute?


 The center, located next to the museum, is only recognized as a classroom for students taking conversation classes or mock TOEIC. Also, if you search for the international exchange institute, you will not find the news of the international exchange department because you can only find the site of the Department of Language Education. To prevent this, I’ll let you know how to check information through the school homepage.

  First, if you go to the bottom of the homepage, you can see the ‘institute, business group and research (기관·사업단·연구)’ button. Selecting this, you can choose the Centre for International Education and Language Exchange (국제교류교육원) from Educational and Support Facilities (교육/지원시설). The centre’s site for language education (언어교육부), usually incudes information for classes or exams but has different resources for foreign students. The Sejong Institute (세종학단), located in the lower left, has textbooks, lectures, and newspaper articles that can help you learn Korean. It also has cartoons and animations that can teach you interesting Korean culture and about various festivals. This can be a way to learn more about Korea.

 That is not to say that Korean students do not have a chance to learn about foreign countries; through the Centre for International Education and Language Exchange, we are able to prepare for qualifications by applying for to a buddy program and overseas language training for helping exchange students to adapt to school and Korean culture.

In addition, free foreign language courses for anyone who wants to participate in exchange programmes and language trainees are recruited according to the information on the school's website. Overseas sister-college exchange students, applicants for language training, and students who want to learn a second language should be interested and encouraged to apply. And if you are curious to read the reviews of people who have taken the language training program, you can read the training event information posted on the bulletin board of the Centre for International Education and Language Exchange and become motivated.

For example, in 2014, a 12th grade, new material engineering student who went to the United States for language training, she said ‘I went to school from Monday morning and took a class to pronounce and write with Donna. In the afternoon, I had an American culture class or activity with Kendra and both of these classes were very helpful for me. In Korea, I wrote many compositions that I would probably never otherwise write, received pronunciation lectures, and I had the opportunity to broaden my horizons by learning American culture that I could not experience in Korea. In Korea, we could not have much leisure time because we had too much stress from studying and TOEIC. However, in the U.S. I could relax all the time because I was always creating new relationships and socializing with new friend. So a month passed like as quick as an arrow. I think the dream like American language training course has been a turning point in my life.’

Through this review, let's think about what it would be like to take interest in the student support facilities and seize opportunities that could be turning points in our lives.