• 로그인

About the Korean Proficiency Test

Information about the Korean Proficiency Test and our university

김가현 선임기자
- 2분 걸림 -

 TOPIK, or the Korean Language Proficiency Test, is a Korean language test for foreigners and students studying abroad. The test for overseas Koreans and foreigners have aims to expand the spread of the Korean language. It measures and evaluates Korean language ability and the results are used for studying at local universities and finding employment.

 As overseas Koreans and foreigners those who want to work at Korean companies and public institutions in Korea, and those who are or have graduated from foreign schools. The validity period is for two years from the date of the results and your result should be renewed every two years.

 We have good news, our university's Institute of International Exchange has been selected as a test organization for TOPIK, so students will be able to take the test at our university. Our university will sign an agreement with the National Institute of International Education and run the Korean Language Proficiency Test from January 2020. This means students will not to go far, but can take the test right at our university.

 "The selection of a new test-site will provide convenience to foreign students attending our university, foreigners residing in the neighborhood of our school, and applicants for overseas Koreans," said Park Si-gyun, head of the Institute for International Exchange and Education at our university. "We will do our best to ensure stable and equitable test operation based on our experience in conducting various state exams."

 Our university is said to have qualified with excellent grades. It has everything as a test-site which makes it suitable for the test.

 This test can be divided into two parts according to the level of the test: it is taken as TOPIK 1 and TOPIK 2. The evaluation grade shall be determined based on the overall score obtained, as six levels.

 Students studying for the exam should have many conversations with Korean students at our school and prepare for the exam. I also recommend speaking and writing confidently, even if the Korean language is wrong. Because language improves by speaking and writing a lot. You will get a high score on writing questions just by writing and listening to Korean in your daily life.

 The test is also divided into types A and B according to the test area and the day of implementation. These types refer to country-specific tests. Our university belongs to the questionnaires of type B because it is in Asia.

 Currently, the Korean Language Proficiency Test is conducted six times a year in 53 regions in Korea and 238 regions in 82 countries abroad. Also, the test is very important because it is a state-authorized test that certifies Korean language skills. I hope you can prepare a lot and do well on the test because it is difficult.

 Also, I wish all students who are reading this article will get good grades by referring to the information, methods, and test sites of this article.

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