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무료 Foreign student, 任少玮

Foreign student, 任少玮

  Foreign student, 任少玮   When you walk in school, we can often see foreign student. In this article, I took a one step closer to foreign students through a simple question in order to increase interest and be a good friend to them.   ❙Q. Please, introduce

by조하정 기자

‘Pokémon GO’ make a splash

‘Pokémon GO’ make a splash 'Pokémon GO' was launched in July 2016 , a game created by the Nintendo Company and NIANTIC Company. It has been released in major areas such as the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and Britain. The company

by조하정 기자

성장의 기회를 찾아서

긴 여름방학이 지나고 학기가 시작한지 얼마 되지 않아, 나는 언론사를 찾아 제1학생회관으로 향했다. 담당 교수님께서 추천해주신 언론사의 영자 기자 지원하기 위해서였다. 평소 다른 과목보다 영어에 흥미를 느꼈기 때문에 언론사의 영자 기자는 내 관심을 사로잡았다. 처음 찾아간 언론사는 생각했던 것 보다 꽤 규모가 컸다. 언론사의 편집장과 활동내용에 대한 상담을 나눈 후

by조하정 기자
무료 Christmas ‘Seal’ Makes Cold Winter Warm

Christmas ‘Seal’ Makes Cold Winter Warm

Christmas ‘Seal’ Makes Cold Winter Warm Towards the end of year, love sharing activities are conducted by many organizations more than usual. Out of those activities, one is a charitable work that is easy for everyone to participate. Immediately, it is to purchase Christmas ‘seal.’ Christmas

by조하정 기자


AMERICAN BASEBALL, Major League Baseball   Baseball Origin There are two origins for baseball. Cricket originated from the U.K. is one of them which later became rounders. Rounders grew in the form of baseball. Namely, in the U.K., it was common to use a bat and a ball

by조하정 기자
무료 English football, EPL

English football, EPL

현재 EPL 2순위 현재 EPL 3순위 현재 EPL 4순위 현재 EPL 5순위 현재 EPL 6순위 현재 EPL 7순위     The Origin of English Football Many claim to be the origin of football when and where it was made. Representatively, football derived from ancient Roma and Greece in 5th or

by조하정 기자