• 로그인

Cases of Discrimination against Asians

corona virus(covid-19) that suddenly came and turned the world upside down

곽미래 기자
- 2분 걸림 -

  The historically memorable corona virus has turned the world upside down. Our university has also been replaced by online lectures, with the opening of classes being delayed to the end of April. The government called for social distance. But people were careless. The complacent thought made people tremble with fear as the number of confirmed patients increased day by day. This led to the beginning of the coronavirus, the cause and even the story of the mutated virus.


▲COVID-19 / Source: NAVER

Our university has international students of various nationalities. Our university disinfected the space where international students lived in advance and checked whether they had fever from time to time. International students also wore masks and used hand sanitizers from time to time as needed in accordance with the country's policy. Maybe that's why we didn't have a confirmed case in our university. Unlike us who are so careful, Criticism of Asians was not good. It was said that the cause was entirely Asian responsibility. There were a lot of verbal abuse, and harsh eyes came and went.

  姜花北, an international student majoring in physical education, “I don't dare go to crowded places like shopping malls and restaurants. I can't go to libraries and research labs in the university because they're closed, and I'm only studying in the dormitory," he said. He also said, "The school gym is closed so I can't work out, so I wear a mask and run on the playground. All the weekly meetings were canceled. And I've reduced the number of times I go to the mart, and once I go, I start hoarding," He added, "There is a lack of masks, but I can't buy He also added to his worries.

  Asian discrimination due to ‘COVID-19’ was unexpectedly easy to find not only at home but also abroad. In the early days of the 'COVID-19' crisis, Koreans were banned from entering foreign countries as the number of confirmed Koreans surged around the world. Racism against Korean students studying abroad was also easily found. ‘COVID-19’ has spread not only to Asia but also to Europe, but a surge in the number of ‘COVID-19’ infections worldwide has led many overseas students to return to Korea. Those who have entered the Republic of Korea from abroad must install a "self-isolator safety protection app" from the airport and have a mandatory two-week self-isolation period.

At a time when we are having a hard time around the world, I hope that we will all get through these times safely, with warm words, lots of interest, not only to the people of the Republic of Korea around us, but also to foreigners in the Republic of Korea.

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