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How to spend your life fully in university

Catching two birds with one stone program to find career paths and get credits

임수락 선임기자
- 2분 걸림 -

 People who study in university have a lot of worries about their career path. They always worried about what they have to do after graduation and what they have to do now to do that work. And in order to graduate, you have to earn certain credits, but if you fill only the credits, there are many cases where you can't properly design your own career path. So this time, I would like to introduce the university career exploration credited system among the projects promoted by Kunsan University.

 The university career exploration credited system is that university students freely design and carry out career exploration activities for one semester as credits. It supports students to determine their career by grasping their personality, talents, and features. Students participating in the university career exploration credit system design or select assignments to be performed during the semester, and are recognized as credits through the process and outcomes. Let's take a quick look at the school's proposed program and find the one that works for you.

 The first is problem-solving. Problemsolvingis a program in which individuals plan and practice their own plans to solve their own career problems, and secure human and material resources around them. Participate in contests or projects on issues.

 The second is the culture and art type. The culture-art type carries out creative programs in the field of culture and arts such as performance planning, literary creation, design activities, literature and video production. You can create webtoons dealing with contemporary art history, participate in design competitions, produce psychological healing music made by science and engineering students, and publish interview magazines through interviews with seniors.

 The third is the international exchange type. The international exchange type participates in exchange students, overseas volunteers, language training, such as overseas volunteer activities, preparation of applications for overseas tour programs, and conducts projects to promote Korean culture and language abroad or research projects for industries, cultures, and arts of the country do.

 The last is a start-up connection type. The project will be conducted to discover ideas that can develop through startups, such as development of VR game production applications, development of disability aid tools for students with disabilities, and development of healthy feed and snacks for companion animals, and establish and implement specific plans.

 In this way, among the career exploration credit system, the proposed program was examined. If you are interested in any of these, it would not be bad to apply once. Also, it is good to challenge once, as it is said that it provides 50,000 won per credit and up to 300,000 won per credit as an activity support fund. Let's make a ‘Visionary university life’. You can do various activities and graduate with a smile.

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