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How to take care of your health and a way to care for other people's health

Our University Blood Center and Health Care Center

곽미래 기자
- 1분 걸림 -

 In these days of extreme daily temperature-variation, you should be more careful of your health. There are two health care centers in our university. One of them is a health clinic located of the third floor of the 2nd student center. The Health Care Center is operated to contribute to the health care of students and faculty at our university. The Health Care Center typically provides basic medication and health counseling, it also provides first-aid. The Health Care Center can perform tests such as blood pressure, blood sugar, and obesity. It also runs a health care program. The health of the body if important, but the health of the mind is just as important, so you can get a stress test at the Health Care Center. An in-body test allows you to measure your body, such as muscle mass of body fat. It is also a good idea to be aware of the health care program conducted by the Health Care Center. I recommend using the Health Care Center.

 And the other place is where you can care for other people's health. It is the 'Blood Center'. Blood donation is the act of extracting blood for patients who need a blood transfusion. Recently, the number of diseases has increased and blood donations have been encouraged. The Blood Center is located in the basement of the Second Student Center. The Blood Center runs from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. excluding onte hour at lunch time. Donating blood can get you four hours of service time and help dorm students get rid of penalty points. After donating blood, you can receive a blood donation certificate and keep it for patients who need blood in an emergency situation. It's a good way to prepare you and your acquaintances for emergencies. I recommend giving blood, a precious experience that saves lives, when you have time.

 As such, there is an institution nearby where we can pay attention to your health while attending our university. If you have any questions about the Blood Center and Health Care Center, please refer to our school homepage. For more information, contact the Health Care Center(☎469-4271) and Blood Center(☎463-7455).

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