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Let’s Find Out About Our University-related Website

Our University's Central Library, e-Class, HwangryongDot.com

구윤아 선임기자
- 2분 걸림 -

In this article, let’s look at websites related to our university, such as our university’s central library, e-Class, and HwangryongDotcom.


▶ First, Let’s find out about our University’s Central Library.

▲ Our University's Central Library / Source : Koo Yoona

On the website of our university’s central library, the first ID is the school number and the password is 6 digits of the date of birth. After that, for security purposes, the password must be changed and used. The representative service provided by our university’s central library website is the ▲ data search service. You can enter search terms by distinguishing between the data currently held by our university’s central library and electronic data. If the materials are in our university’s central library, we provide the location of the collection and availability of loans. If it is electronic data, it is connected to the website of our university’s e-book library, and the data can be used through PCs, smartphones, and tablets by lending the data.


▶ Next, Let’s find out about e-Class.

▲ eClass / Source : Koo Yoona

E-Class website provides the following services. You can check the ▲ recorded lectures, real-time lectures, ▲ assignment, and ▲ announcements provided by the professor in charge of the subject each class applied for. In addition, the professor in charge posts learning materials that can improve the learner’s academic understanding through ▲ learning archives. Through e-Class’s ▲ message system, smooth communication between professors and learners is achieved, and through the ▲ question and answer system. Questions can be posted and answered during online learning to eliminate curiosity.


▶ Finally, Let’s find out about HwangryongDotcom.

▲ Hwangryondotcom / Source : Koo Yoona

HwangryongDotcom is a website where articles are published and uploaded once a month by our university press. On HwangryongDotcom, articles are classified by ▲ category, so you can find and read articles in the desired field. In addition, you can apply for a ▲ subscription to our university newspaper. If you access the subscription application page in the community category and enter the applicant information and postal recipient information, the subscription application is completed and you can receive our newspaper every month.

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