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Personal Mobile Broadcasting

박민아 기자
- 5분 걸림 -

Nowadays, business owners attend to communicate with consumers complementally than unilaterally. Influence of individual consumers is increasing. For example, SNS, Blog, Internet individual broadcast etc. This trend makes people have new jobs like creator, bloger. Enterprises watch leverage of them and try to cooperate with them saying "You Tube Age".

Saying “individual media" was familiar in the media as social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc appeared in the media. If you know advantages of social media and smart phones, we are quickly possible to tell the large and small issues that arise around us to people anytime, anywhere.


reveal their ability and thought unconditionally they get the limelight. Second, it is that they can earn extra income and even main income with their abilities. there are people whose income from blogs started as a hobby is more than their actual career.

Typical example is Youtube in these phenomenon. In the past 20-30s people were the main users but now Youtube has a variety of age from 10 to 60- 70 elder and gender of users watching YouTube content. Communication between content producers and consumers has been strengthened. Comments at the bottom of the content become now a wholesome discussion place to share your opinion to improve the quality of the content.

What is more impressive is increase of the proportion of mobile users. 70% of the total YouTube traffic has occurred in the mobile. It is clear evidence that the users want to enjoy the content on their mobile than PC. Concerning these facts, many operations will return to the center of the consumers.

박민아 기자


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We also transfer news and information by utilizing lately social media through text or photos but popularity of "Personal Mobile Broadcasting" is formidable. Because services such as Africa, Ustream, Daum pot everyone easily can broadcast have became common, all are possible to broadcast your own. Also 'meokbang (eating broadcasting), ‘kongbang (studying broadcast), etc got a big hit through Personal Mobile Broadcasting, a famous personal mobile broadcasting operators appeared in public TV. Even program of MBC called "my little television" was created. Formation of this program is that celebrities directly progress a personal Internet TV

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broadcasting and confront the viewer ratings through the Daum TV pot. There is the most significant difference between My little television, a personal Internet TV broadcasting and existing broadcasting media. It is real-time communication with the public. TV viewers watch progressed broadcasting in real-time and leave a comment. So broadcasting MC immediately reflect their opinions in the broadcast and lead the audience reaction. Live broadcasting is service to provide content for the tastes of fickle audiences. Recently these individual broadcast services are enable to broadcast a variety of content more easily moving to the mobile.

Its advantage is that first, as people 

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