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Regrettable Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster in Indonesia

이지수 기자
- 2분 걸림 -

 Indonesia is suffering from the worst earthquake and tsunami ever. Due to the paralysis of city functions following the earthquake and tsunami, the rescue efforts have been slow. Despite the fact that aid has continued to be supplied from around the world, the situation has become increasingly deplorable. It is regrettable that the number of deaths is expected to increase exponentially in the course of the recovery from the earthquake and tsunami.

 A 7.5-magnitude earthquake hit northern Sulawesi Island around 6 p.m. on September 28th in Indonesia. The quake was accompanied by a fluidization of the ground, which causes the hard ground to glide, and the damage increased as a tsunami reached a height of up to 6 meters after the earthquake. The tsunami caused damage to the city of Palu, about 80 kilometers from the epicenter, as well as Donggala, adjacent to the island. A video clip of a huge wave coming and people screaming and escaping was aired on that day. An island city famous for its beautiful beaches quickly became a sad place. All the villages were turned into ruins, and the bodies of the victims of the tsunami were seen everywhere. The mosque and surrounding area are flooded, and surviving victims struggle to find household goods and food to use. Rescue workers are searching for survivors, but are reportedly lacking in manpower.

 The number of buildings destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami was 65,733 and the number of victims was 74,444. The damage was largely attributed to two main reasons: the liquefied ground and the tsunami warning system at the time was not working properly. According to the Guardian report, the Indonesian authorities decided to bury the victims immediately without further identification procedures. The report is based on the government's judgment that the government needs to focus more on rescuing and supporting survivors rather than on the death toll, with limited manpower and resources. The media also added that the Indonesian disaster authorities started collective stores according to Islamic religious characteristics, which prevent secondary damage such as infectious diseases.

 The death toll from the earthquake in Indonesia was estimated to be about 2,000. The number of deaths is expected to rise uncontrollably as thousands of people are missing and a body search is underway. The news of the death of a Korean has also spread. A Korean resident who had been missing after his lodging collapsed around 3 p.m. on Tuesday was finally found dead. The Indonesian authorities say they will search for missing persons by October 11 and treat the remaining people as dead. It is said that the viability of finding the victims is getting slimer by day.

 Help is also continuing from many countries. Some non-governmental organizations have also launched rescue operations, including medical staff in Taiwan who are giving medical treatment in Palu, and rescue teams from France who began rescue operations on collapsed buildings. About 20 countries including Korea and the U.S., have reportedly offered rescue support. Many hope Indonesia will regain stability as soon as possible. Many people deeply grieve for many of the victims and their bereaved families. Let's all pray for Indonesia.

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