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School rest areas in various spots

The school’s snack shops and cafes give a convenient university life

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- 2분 걸림 -
▲ This is the picture of cafe located on first floor of the university headquaters. / Resource : Song Jeong Eun

 Due to the characteristic of the timetable where you take the classes you want, there is often unintended free time in between lectures. It is a good idea to use the snack shop or cafe on campus when it is difficult to have lunch or get to the library.

 There are a total of three snack stores and three cafes in our university. The locations of the snack stores are: the first floor of the second student center, the first floor of Hwangryong Library, and the first floor of Academy Hall. These snack stores sell bus tickets, snacks, bread, drinks, and simple daily necessities. The Café Mir's snack bar, located on the first floor of the Hwangryong Library, operates from 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., and this is shortened from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. during the vacation. Hwangryong Rest Area, located in Academy Hall of the Joint Experimental Labs, is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and has the same operating hours during the vacation.
 A total of three cafes are located in the university: at the Hwangryong Complex Cultural Space on the first floor of the university headquarters, on the first floor of the Hwangryong Library, and in the joint laboratory. Cafe Mir, located on the first floor of the Hwangryong Library, operates from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. during both semester and vacation. Hwangryong Rest Area Cafe, located in the joint laboratory, is open from 9 a.m. to 6 a.m. during the semester and during the vacation. School cafes are available at a lower price than other brands because they are run for students and educational personnel.
 The snack shops and cafes on campus belong to the Kunsan University Community of Living Cooperative. The Living Cooperative is a self-governing organization operated by professors, employees, and students who are members of a university voluntarily organization for the improvement of the economic and cultural environment of the university. Thus, the university Living Cooperative is an organized union that allows university members to work together on issues such as the price and quality of their products. Through joint purchase with other universities, purchases can be made at a reasonable price.
 The facilities in our university have the advantages of not only being reasonably priced but being a short distance away because they are located within the school. As such, we hope you will enjoy a more efficient university life through knowing and using the convenient facilities located on campus.

Song Jeong Eun


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