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What is the Euroscepticism?

엄주아 기자
- 4분 걸림 -

 Lastly, June 23 2016, pros and cons referendum was held to decide Brexit. 51.9 percent of British voters voted in favor of Brexit, while 48.1 percent of the respondents voted in against. The difference was 3.8 percentage points. With this, Britain decided to exit from the EU. The word ‘Brexit’ is combine between Britain and Exit. It means Britain withdrawal from the EU. Britain leave a EU was only 3 years after joining the European Economic Community(EEC), the forerunner of the EU in 1973. Meanwhile, Britain withdrawal from the EU is drawing attention. In fact, Grexit (Greece withdrawal from the EU) after Brexit, as well as France, Italy, Denmark, Czech Republic and the EU are demanding the withdrawal of the voice is increasing.

 Here, The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe. There are 28 countries, including, Germany, France, Britain, Ireland, Belgium and Netherlands. The EU can be seemed by started Winston Churchill who minister of Britain. Churchill emphasized that the europe need the organization like the United Nation. After Churchill's speech, the EU was finally founded on November 1, 1993, through other institutions, including the ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) and etc. Due to political changes in Europe in the 2000s, many countries belonging to Eastern Europe joined the EU.

 The aim of the EU is to build a single market in Europe and to promote the economic and social development of Europe by realizing a single currency. It is also aims at establishing and implementing a common diplomatic security policy that includes a common defense policy and to enhance understanding of Europe in the international arena. The policy also ensured the free movement of goods, services and capital within the internal market and enacted legislation on justice. In addition, It is aims to attract common policies on trade, agriculture, fisheries and regional development. And, The EU intends to adopt the European citizenship system to strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of the citizens of the member states, while expanding the 'freedom, security and justice' into a common area. The purpose of the association is to maintain and develop the acquis communautaire of existing laws and practices.

 So, why did Britain choose to leave the EU? The main reason is the Economic problem. The opinion about Brexit was triggered by European financial crisis. As the EU's fiscal deterioration intensified, the burden of EU contribution to Britain increased. The move to withdraw from the EU, led by the Conservatives, began to spread. The number of immigrants for employment increased dramatically, especially in the wake of refugee inflows from Syria and other countries in late 2015. The move to demand withdrawal from the EU was accelerated. As Britain withdrawal from the EU accelerated, the EU accepted most of the requirements that Britain proposed for the EU to remain at the EU member states summit in February 2016. Cameron who prime minister of Britain appealed to the public about vote on June 23, 2016. He publicly announced that vote for remain of the EU for the future of Britain. But the British people finally decided to choose Brexit, Cameron said he would resign, saying he would accept the results.

 Now here, We need to know the word ‘Euroscepticism’. Euroscepticism literally means criticism of the EU. And it is also known as EU-scepticism ,from the Greek word ‘scepsis’ meaning doubt. Other views often held by Eurosceptics include perceptions of a democratic deficit in the EU or a belief that the EU is too bureaucratic. Euroscepticism is found in political parties across the political spectrum; however, the rise in populist right-wing parties in Europe is strongly linked to a rise in Euroscepticism on the continent. Euroscepticism is found in political parties across the political spectrum; however, the rise in populist right -wing parties in Europe is strongly linked to a rise in Euroscepticism on the continent. In conclusion, The biggest reason why the Euroscepticism be formed that is political, economical reason.

 As European societies are becoming increasingly skeptical of Euroscepticism, the Netherlands, the EU nations, will take place general election for the first time this year. Following Netherlands, France, where the presidential elections are held in April or May, and the German presidential election in September, are lined up. In the case of Netherlands, election for the first time is an important election to determine the existence of the EU. Of course, the Dutch side says there is less chance of a Nexit. Because there are more benefits in the EU. In the case of nexit, Netherlands, which is highly dependent on trade, is highly likely to suffer great economic losses. France is also the same. It is argued that if a Frexit occurs, a global financial crisis will arise. But we can not ignore the populist winds that come from the West after Trump was elected president in the United States.

 There have been many problems since the decision on the brexit. For example, the separatist movement in Scotland, the border issue with France, the British immigration and immigration to New Zealand. If the EU, which has been in existence for about 23 years, withdraws from Netherlands, France and Germany, it will not only bring economic losses to each country, but it will also shake the existence of the EU. Currently, sudden political events are taking place in various countries, including the election of President Trump in the United States and the impeachment of the president in the Republic of Korea. In addition, EU withdrawal can be influenced by voters' income and education , such as Brexit. Therefore, it is necessary to see how various events will affect each country.

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