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안혜원 선임기자


What is a Ransom Ware?

Recently, a ransom ware problem is becoming fierce increasingly. One cannot approach the computer system suddenly, or cannot open the stored photos, document files, and so on. It has started to become known in earnest since 2005, and is growing rapidly worldwide in 2013. So, what is this ransom ware?

by안혜원 선임기자

Invisible Poison, The Fine Dust

The fine dust is getting worse and worse. This fine dust is currently becoming a huge problem in the world, including South Korea. You can also see it on the news frequently. And even then, the current presidential candidate presidents are making pledges about this matter. From now on, I

by안혜원 선임기자

지난 한 달간의 경험을 담아

언론사는 이미 친한 친구가 기자로 활동하고 있었기 때문에 익히 알고 있었다. 그러다보니 점점 관심이 생겨 지난 2월, 나는 기획탐사팀의 영자기자로 언론사에 들어오게 되었다. 영어에 관심이 있어 영자기자로 들어오게 되었지만, 솔직히 영문으로 기사를 작성 한다는 것에 ‘과연 내가 잘 할 수 있을까?’라는 불안감이 들기도 했다. 하지만 그런 것

by안혜원 선임기자
무료 Six Ways To Get a Good Studio

Six Ways To Get a Good Studio

▲ 원룸촌 / 촬영 : 안혜원 수습기자 As the new year is around the corner, many students are looking for a studio room. I'll tell you about how to get a good studio.   1. Commute Distance The closer the distance to workplace, the better not only commute but also save

by안혜원 선임기자