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이지영 기자

무료 Visiting the Student Counseling Center

Visiting the Student Counseling Center

Of course if you’re in university life, many things happen to you. You always prepare the exam, solve lots of tasks and also, meet a variety of people. Besides you have to do these things by yourself. Unlike minor period, there are many works to be responsible. And

by이지영 기자
무료 What is a 3D printer?

What is a 3D printer?

If you enter a drawing to the computer one object appears as drawings. You think it is possible? Sounds impossible, but there is a thing that makes possible. It is 3D printer! 3D printer is a thing which can make three-dimensional products after some process(modeling, printing and  finishing.

by이지영 기자
무료 Do you know performance 1+1 business?

Do you know performance 1+1 business?

Do you like musicals or plays? There are many performances which are you want to see it, but you have some uncomfortable troubles also. For example, most of shows are performing in Seoul so we have a space, time constraints. Fortunately, even though you go it is difficult to afford

by이지영 기자