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What is a 3D printer?

이지영 기자
- 3분 걸림 -

If you enter a drawing to the computer one object appears as drawings. You think it is possible? Sounds impossible, but there is a thing that makes possible. It is 3D printer! 3D printer is a thing which can make three-dimensional products after some process(modeling, printing and  finishing.) 3D printer’s principle is similar to inkjet printer but unlike the inkjet only prints letters you can make three-dimensional products through up-down moving. In fact, 3D printer was invented by enterprise to make a prototype before propelling commercialization. In early 1980s harden liquid plastic techniques were developed. After that time material range was expanded not only plastic but also nylon and metal material so it becoming commercialized in many ways, including industry.

3D printer’s advantage is you can make everything immediately if you have drawing. Ray Kurzweil who is member of board of directors on google said if 3D printer be commercialization people download design drawing from the internet, it is possible to wear clothes which has output a 3D printer in additional the building materials by printer can be assembled buildings and by duplicating the patient’s stem cells, it was expected to be able to create an artificial tissue. Above all, private production is the biggest advantage of this. Until now the production cost is too expensive to make individual prototype so there are limits for making one product. And personal producer who don’t manufacture mass production like big companies difficult to make one production. However if the printer goes to the dissemination will be able to make products easier without cost limits. Besides, 3D printer helps disabled person by making personal hearing aid or prosthetic leg set in each. These days not wholesale goods but personality stuff is trend because many people are considered important to individual personality. So you can make your product to use 3D printer.

Even though 3D printer’s prospects are bright, currently the introduction of printer in Korea level is lower than other countries. Due to machine’s price is too expensive and the promotion didn’t work to people. Clearly even our school will have a person who has interest. So do you know KNU has 3D printers? KNU has progressed with 3D printer to establish school company which name is 3D pro. School company means the enterprise which is managed by student. So students produce and sale their own products and profits from sales are used again for their study. Now 3D pro has some 3D printers, these are used in many parts about school program. First, they implement printing education for elementary, middle and high school students include in public. Second, they produce prototype of product and make modeling instead of small and medium industry. Third, make initial model for capstone contest students. Also, it supports professional certification training through Link Agency. Many students go out far to get a practice but 3D printer trainee doesn’t go out because the practicing ongoing in the school.

At present many industries, including 3D printers received under the spotlight based a government’s creative human resources policy. In reality, however, it is not enough to tell people the skills to the students. Therefore, this kind of school’s education is so important and above all has a big significance to raise professional manpower. KNU started this business at first, and other latecomers were chasing fast in Jeollabukdo.

So far, I explained about what is 3D printer and the educational program in KNU. I think a lot of students knew that this time. As the prospect of the industry is high, I recommend to you to pay attention to 3D printer programs, and if you have interest in this program you have to visit University-industry cooperation and don’t miss the participate education which offered by the school.

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