• 로그인

이예지 기자

무료 An interview with a student from china

An interview with a student from china

▲ Wendy / Source : Wendy Q. Please introduce yourself. A. Hello, I'm Wendy. I graduated from the Department of Infant Education at Onju University and transferred to the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Gunsan University in September 2017.   Q. Tell me the most memorable day of school.

by이예지 기자
무료 Recommendation of University extracurricular activities

Recommendation of University extracurricular activities

▲ SHAREUS Supportes activities pictures / Source : SHAREUS   ⅠMaking korean traditional crafts – SHAREUS Supportes   We’re looking for foreign Explorers to experience Korean traditional crafts for free   Major activities ①Certificate of Completion ②Korean traditional name stamp ③Free invitation to the new Shareus class ④Britz Bluetooth Speaker&

by이예지 기자